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Top Reviews

1. "I enjoyed going through your book “Consciousness Evolution”. It is very logical, interesting and thought-provoking..."
- Padmashri D.R. Kaarthikeyan, former CBI Director (Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi assassination fame - SIT Chief), New Delhi, India

2. "My reflections - 1. An ambitious work to embrace the whole universe in a single theory. 2. It is a workbook expecting the reader to remember minute ideas thoroughly to grasp the grand idea well. If one single idea is lost, the reader may go directionless. 3. High IQ is expected in the reader. But the author claims that it suits a high-school finished reader. But not really so. 4. The role of the deads in the universe is not considered. 5. Of all his invention, TCE #3 [see below] is a masterpiece. That only is enough to prove the author's genius!"
- V.R. Ganesh Chandar, Social Worker, Aditi, Madurai, India 

3. "On reading D.L. Sivakumar’s recent book “The Science of Higher Living,” one cannot miss the feeling of ambivalence it evokes. The proposed “theory” of Consciousness Evolution is so comprehensive, its analysis is so minute and complex, and the contents are so rich that, one feels, it can’t be for the ordinary, average human. However, despite its abstruseness in certain parts, the whole argument of the book is directed towards the average self-becoming human. It postulates the unique concept that every human, properly channelising their positive energies and exercising their innate potential for a higher life, can achieve the target of the highest Consciousness Evolution.

A close reader of the book will find it an outcome of tremendous thought on several philosophies of Creation and its contents. The theory propounded is based on decades of pondering over his readings and his personal experiences.

In a word, the book describes Consciousness in all its complexity and the possibility to attain It through consistent meditational practices. Theoretically, it narrates the evolution of the aspiring human from the individual consciousness to the Absolute Cosmic Consciousness.

“SoHL” is a profound study of Intuition-powered Consciousness, which transcends humans’ sense-based mental consciousness and the empirically attained knowledge of the observed phenomena.

A significant feature of the book is the fine array of footnotes citing the sources of the author’s ideas and interpreting the keywords denoting each idea. The enormous efforts the author takes, in every section, to interpret and clarify the abstract words is commendable. The elaborate explanation of Intuition as a higher faculty in humans (pp.56-57) and its cultivation as a means to “higher living” is just an instance.

The well-designed diagrams interspersed in each chapter as a corollary to the verbal descriptions of concepts are aimed to help the reader visualize the abstract ideas and retain them evergreen in the mind.

In brief, “The Science of Higher Living” is a unique book. It is, perhaps, the only book by a contemporary (“Sourashtrian”) writer to analyze, nearly thoroughly, the extremely complex process of Consciousness Evolution and to scientifically explore the potential every conscious practitioner has to evolve towards, if not TO, the Absolute Consciousness.

With a more careful proof-reading and editing before the next edition, this book may find few equals among books on this topic and can be a valuable guide to any earnest Consciousness aspirant."
- Dr. L.R. Govardanan, Retd. Professor of English, Sourashtra College, Madurai, India.

4. "Congratulations! You have written an important perspective on understanding consciousness. I hope this book will be a significant bridge for many scientifically minded seekers. This will serve to help them tune into consciousness and how to reach the “target”!

I think renaming the title as “the Science of Higher Living” will be helpful.

For many lay people such as myself, I must admit, this approach will likely “spin their minds” just to be able to assimilate all the scientific jargon. (I felt saturated with all the acronyms by the time I read the entire book!) But I do believe your approach is a much-needed one to support those with more of an analytical tendency."
- Nayaswami Pranaba Hansen, Ananda Village (, Nevada City, California, USA.

Quote from the SoHL book:

TCE 3. Is there any plausible purpose behind the Creation?

This theory postulates the purpose as follows: No division can take place from a whole without involving some loss unless the parts will be able to generate new gains in order to compensate the loss so that the resultant will be same or more than the initial whole, analogous to business investments model. Similarly, the Creation is expecting the parts of the creation to generate new Bliss, with the target of Absolute, ever-expanding Bliss. Without the generation of new Bliss, the Absolute cannot retain its originality due to the loss in relativistic creation. Despite the complexity in Creation’s design, a singular, consistent, and sure method of self-transcendence indicates that the new generation of Bliss is possible in the Creation.

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