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Section 7: Advanced Topics (TCE 30 - 36)

Section 7: Advanced Topics

TCE 30.         Can books be a True Teacher or only a living person can be?
As Truth is One, so the True Teacher[1] is one. The True Teacher is primarily a principle of living Truth. Anyone who has achieved the target of ever-new Bliss and is willing to teach the path or principles of attaining the target to any willing student would be a True Teacher. In general, anyone or anything (books or non-living things) that helps us to develop our intuition can be regarded as a channel of that True Teacher, even though they may not have achieved the ultimate target yet or mundane, respectively. When one sufficiently develops Intuition, that Intuition itself becomes one’s inner True Teacher.

But until then, for getting a specific counsel, one cannot depend only on the books (or non-living things) even if they were of True teachings since these teachings and principles require a living person who embodies these True principles.

It is not necessary that a True Teacher (or a channel) must newly establish a set of practices or techniques for attaining Truth. The True Teachings and a set of practices or techniques to attain Truth may have been discovered by someone in the past[2], but as long as a living person who lives those True Teachings, in principle, can be regarded as a True Teacher (or a channel) [3]. With their help, primarily, the books (media, or other non-living things) of those True Teachings and the set of practices or techniques can become supplementary help.

TCE 31.         How do machines, GM foods, AI robots, etc. fit in with this theory?
Until we are able to create a functional atom from energy[4] or create a life-form assembling all parts of a living cell and its DNA from entirely material substances, all human beings can do is only rearrangement or manipulation with what is already available in Creation.

Before discussing the effects of human intervention, let us quickly review the Creation’s composition, according to TCE. As depicted in Figure 10: Creation Mechanism, the Universal Material Forces (UMF) governing Matter (IC1) gets composed and decomposed by every cell in the single-cellular or multi-cellular living organisms (IC2 or above). The multi-cellular organisms: IC2 (multi-cellular organisms up to Plants), IC3 (animals), IC4 & IC5 (humans) have what is known as a nested composition, i.e., one entire organism (IC4 is shown in the picture) is composed of many trillion cells (IC2). Correspondingly, Individual Life Forces (ILF) also have nested composition between them, i.e., entire organism (IC4) has one ILF that governs all the subordinate cells’ (IC2) ILFs. In the picture, it is shown as 1 IC4 ILF governing 50 – 75 trillion IC2 ILF.
The evolution of IC2, or above, is based the Creation’s Matching process based on the Self-Governance mechanism, at each IC level, as explained before in this book.

The manmade manifestations can be classified into five ascending levels, based how we deal with the Mother Nature, as follows:
1.      Preventing from the excesses of Nature
2.      Tailoring the Nature
3.      Controlling the Nature
4.      Stretching the limits of Nature
5.      Modifying the Nature

The complexity and the risk of abuse and/or accidents increase #1 to #5. The reward follows the risk. The reward may not be monetary always but may be other intangibles, e.g., dominance, recognition, etc.  The risk/reward gets compounded by increasing IC types, i.e., IC1 has lower risk/reward than IC2 and so on.

The following Table 4 shows examples of the above classification based on IC types, including manmade machines, computers, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots (not a complete but a representative list):
IC Type
Preventing from Nature
Tailoring the Nature
Controlling the Nature
Stretching the Limit of Nature
Modifying the Nature
Matter IC1
Safe, Locks
Processed Material,
Containment medicines

Manufactured material
Massive structures,
Computer Hardware*
Mining- Oil, Coal
Power Generation,
Computer-aided machines*
Handling Nuclear Material, Nuclear Power
Microbes, Plants
Shaded environ

Cultured Foods,
Dairy Products,
Naturally crossed
Preserved Foods,
Frozen Veggies

Cultured Pearls,
Artificial Foods,
Cultured Non-food organisms,

Genetically Modified (GM) Foods,
GM Organisms

Animals IC3
Domesticated animals,

Trained animals,
Meat Products,
Naturally cross-bred
Unfertilized eggs,
Preserved meat,
Frozen meat

Growth Hormone-Induced,
Massive slaughter houses,
Genetically recombined Meat,
GM Animals
Humans IC4
Shelter, Dress,
Habitat segregation,
Living in groups

Less-known “frozen” state[5]
Controlled atmosphere,
Organ Transplants,
Artificial Insemination,
Computer software*
Unmanned missions,
Big-Data Mining,
Psychiatric drugs, 
Immune suppressors,
AI Robots*
Stem cell cultured organs
Trial Cancer GM Treatment,
Table 4: Human Intervening Manifestations
* - Programmable by Human IC4 consciousness that operates on computer hardware machines in IC1.

The complexity and the risk of abuse and/or accidents increase from the columns left to right, and also from lower to higher IC types (the rows from top-down). The reward follows the risk.
However, the distribution of reward and the risk becomes problematic. Often, a very few enjoy the rewards whereas the risk of accidents gets distributed to a large population, many times even without their knowledge. As seen before, for every Human Intervening Manifestations, according to that IC type where the impact occurred, the Self-governance and Matching process do complement with their own response of new varieties of weather patterns, strains, microbes, organisms, mutations, early decay, the cancerous growth, etc. A proportional distribution considering the long-term impacts to a larger, unknown or future population is a challenge for the society[6].

The risk in Matter IC1 and Microbial IC2 that impacts humans is somewhat manageable since the effects of the risk are mostly visible[7], as IC1 is governed by well-understood Material Forces. Even though there are not enough counter measures, the effects of them can be correlated to the cause. However, the risk detection from IC2 (Plants) and higher is mostly invisible, due to Life-force involvement, and they are more challenging to detect as life-forms are interdependent with each other.  There has been no comprehensive, impartial research has been done to study the health risks in human, as the current research is focused only on the Physical plane. More thorough and comprehensive research is needed in many cases, especially the diseases where medically considered as “unknown causes” or “no cure, only controllable”[8]  without limiting the research only to Physical plane[9]. Based on the theory outlined in this book, it is quite plausible the causes for these cases may very well lie in the Life-force/Energy Plane and/or Consciousness/Causal Plane. The interest for research in these higher planes may not align with the motives of the current research funding sources that are heavily focused on the Physical Plane[10].

The Computers are unique in the overall scheme of Creation, due to its composition, as they combine Human consciousness IC4 for Software programming part with the Hardware IC1 type, which is governed by the Material Forces, without Life-force cellular (IC2) compositions in between. Hence, the autonomous, Artificial Intelligence (AI) machines will only be governed by extending the Human IC4 Self-Governance mechanism of those involved in the autonomous robots’ creation and use. The effect of machines is similar, but with a large multiplication factor, to a mindless habit either good or bad. The effect of autonomous AI robots will be like a fearless, multi-skilled, dogmatic servant who can only follow literal commands that were already known and programmed to learn, others will be subject to no action or error, at times merciless and grave. The responsibility of actions, in either case, will follow their master(s) who put these machines in action.

TCE 32.         Are there any possibilities to reverse the aging process?
Growth (or Evolution) is the norm of Life; there is no “anti-growth” or “de-growth” phenomenon in the manifested Creation.  Even though one cannot “grow younger”, it is, however, possible to slow down the aging process, even to the extent of entire suspension of growth can take place, thereby extending the life span[11]. The growth is the process of replication. In the normal growth of an organism, different rates of growth occur during different periods in its lifespan[12]. Once the organism reaches the end of its lifespan, i.e., upon death, it only decomposes into the matter. There is no reduction process at a cellular level, i.e., a larger cell dividing into smaller fractions[13]. In degenerative diseases, the rate of cellular replication (i.e., growth) slows down, typically, and even to the extent of almost completely stopping the growth, thereby no replacement of cells will occur in the body as they die out or get dysfunctional.

As explained in TCE 25, the lifespan is inversely related to the rate of breathing of organisms[14] and there are many simple yet powerful breathing techniques for Life-force control in order to harness the energy in our body to our advantage.  These techniques can be utilized as a proactive, preventive measure and/or as a supplementary measure if there are chronic dis-ease conditions, along with the treatments. The practice of these techniques not only help the body but also align one progressing towards the target and help to quicken the evolution of consciousness. This is the best antidote for mortal fears arising from dreadful diseases or otherwise.

TCE 33.         How does this Theory of Consciousness Evolution compare with Darwin’s?
There are many similarities between this Theory of Consciousness Evolution (TCE) and Darwin’s Theory of Natural evolution, however with differences. In the evolution of lower life forms, they both agree on many aspects but when it comes to the understanding of human consciousness and the capabilities, Darwin’s theory falls short.  In contrast, this TCE theory provides a holistic evolutionary framework that consistently governs all life forms including humans. In addition, it also covers human creative actions in the same manner, as seen before.

Here is a quick summary of differences between the theories on major concepts:

Darwin’s Theory
How Theory of Consciousness Evolution (TCE) is addressing them?
Survival of the Fittest
TCE explains using the fundamental instincts: self-preservation & self-expansion and Action-Catalyst Factors (ACF) on why lifeforms perform activities, to begin with. The survival of the species is inherent for it to evolve or develop its capabilities, which includes competition and conflicts. They are required for the development of the best capabilities to further self-expand. Both instincts, like two sides of a coin, act as a universal driver for action for every lifeform.
Natural Selection for an organism to evolve from lower to higher form
The Matching process explained in TCE, instantiates the manifestation for an organism based on available circumstances for it to evolve higher. This is fairly close to the Natural selection, however, in TCE, its matching takes place based on the consciousness capabilities, not limited only to physical plane as postulated by Darwin. The consciousness capabilities closely correspond to physical capabilities in the lower lifeforms and so both TCE and Darwin’s agree on these lifeforms. It is also a known fact that humans lack many advanced physical capabilities (e.g., running, longevity, size, flying, dexterity, etc.) that other animals possess, yet humans are placed at the height of evolution ladder, not because of our physical capabilities but is due to our consciousness capabilities, physiologically expressed in the brain, spine, and the nervous system. TCE provides an adequate basis to explain through Self-Governance process with Balance and Free-will for humans that also applies to lower lifeforms which have sensual instincts guided will, instead of entirely Free-will.
The Random origin for Mutation
As explained in TCE through the universal driver for action “increase happiness and avoid pain” and corroborated in day-to-day living experience, no conscious action of human beings is ever done without a purpose. While this is being the case, it is convenient to defer to randomness when sufficient variables are not known or taken into consideration. TCE postulates, as explained in Self-Governance and Matching Process mechanisms and the overall purpose of the Creation, that there is a purpose behind the evolution of species and how humans also can take advantage of them, as covered in the verifiable method of Quickening Evolution. In author’s opinion, TCE offers a meaningful and responsible alternative to Darwin’s.
Table 5: Comparison between Darwin's theory and TCE

TCE 34.         What is “Descent” from Cosmic Consciousness?
While looking back life’s course, one may find some uncommon experiences of intuitive guidance at crucial turning-point moments or after hitting the bottom with some entrenched bad habits, getting an unexpected helping hand from a person, a powerful inspiration, an event or a change in circumstances, such as job, marriage, work, etc. that would reverse the course of one’s life in an unimaginable way. These are the instances of “Descent”, as shown in Figure 1: Consciousness Evolution, with 5 sheaths (see “brown” color downward arrow).

As seen before, Cosmic Consciousness (CC) is a collective noun that consists of all Individualized Consciousness (IC) and the target for every IC to become one with the CC. In other words, the Cosmic Consciousness is nothing but the highest potential that an individual can ever achieve. Descent[15]  is the fail-safe mechanism of Creation. Without Descent, the “huge investment” (as explained in the purpose in TCE 3) of Creation has a risk of going astray by evil forces, which is inevitable in the dualistic Creation. Descent happens throughout whenever that exceptional need arises.

Besides the personal level examples, mentioned above, the Descent works in the larger context as well. Perusing the pages of history, whenever there is widespread decline in human values (e.g., barbarism, slavery, racial discrimination, genocides, corruption, etc.), you will often find some self-less leader(s) on the side of human values inspiring the masses that work to defeat the evil forces which are responsible for the decline.

Selflessness is the channel for the Descent, it manifests proportionally based on the channel’s capacity and the prevailing need. Whoever reaches the target by becoming one with CC automatically becomes the channel for Descent and their impact, however, will not always be of the same magnitude but vary according to the fail-safe need of the prevailing circumstances.  

TCE 35.          Does evil exist outside the human mind and if so, how does it originate?
Any open development platform such as Creation, built upon duality principle of positive and negative, is susceptible to evil forces, in a similar fashion to “computer viruses”, “malware” and “hackers” that exploit the loopholes inherent in the open computer platforms (as seen in TCE 2), in marring the intended productive use of the platform. In either case, it is quite difficult to trace what circumstances actually trigger such a cruel idea, in the first place. However, they can invariably be concluded as evil, based on the ill-intention of those schemers. Evil is something that works against[16] the intended purpose of Creation and is a collective noun of all such thoughts put together.

Thoughts, whether positive or negative, do not actually originate in one’s mind although they appear to do so. As Sir Isaac Newton humbly put it, “If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants,”[17] no new idea or discovery is made from one’s ideas alone.

Thoughts have resonating power. As birds of a feather flock together, the similar thoughts attract each other, reinforcing their collective power, in either direction. Thoughts get conveyed via mind’s imaginative power through various mediums (words, books, music, gestures, touch, company, dreams, mind, etc.) and the most influential but difficult means is conveying at the mental level itself, which those at a higher level of consciousness, either positive or negative, use to convey[18].

Although the Creation’s design seems to give an upper hand to evil-doers as it is easier to destroy than to create one, the Self-Governance in the evil-doers compensates this seeming advantage by pushing them away from Balance, which is necessary for True happiness and evolution.

Harboring negative thoughts or being idle, makes one an easy target for the evil forces. On the other hand, cultivating positive thoughts is the best insurance protection against evil forces. The fastest way to develop positive thoughts is to contemplate on True words of wisdom or the target Ever-new Blissful state or both.[19]

TCE 36.         How to put this newfound knowledge from this theory to use?
Every human being is a mini-creator. Each creating a world of ideas from their own perspective through imagination and lives according to it, within this vast Creation of bewildering varieties. While it is logically impossible for a manmade creation to be ever perfect in this relativistic Creation, the wide galaxy of human creations can be viewed in a way, called Trinocular or “Triple-lens” view, in order to make sense of them. This Trinocular view is the summary of the TCE concepts put together for an individual.

Any creative activity that aligns directionally with one or more Creation’s principles, without causing sufferings for the majority, is called a positive activity. The Creation’s principles are summarized here, as covered in this book: respect for human free-will while not violating others’, checks and balances between freedom and control, truthfulness, open-access, growth (or unify), broadening mind’s scope in all its aspects (thought, feeling, power), discovery, learning, less error-prone, long-lasting, not binding, increase happiness, reduce suffering, and conserve natural resources.

First Lens Zone – Inertiating Filter:  The first lens of the Trinocular functions as a positive vs. negative filter. If a “creative” activity is contrary to the above principles and/or cause sufferings to the majority is considered negative (or Inertiating) activity. Proper observation and a basic level of discrimination are the tools needed for the filtering out the negative activities from use. See the outer black color items in Figure 13.

Second Lens Zone – Activating Filter:  The second lens of the Trinocular functions as a generic vs. specific filter. Within the set of positive activities (i.e., those align with one or more principles), if an activity creates a net benefit for the majority, then it is called generic-positive[20] activity. On the other hand, if a positive activity gives benefit only selectively on an individual case basis, then it is considered specific-positive102 activity. This selection on specific-positive is trickier since if it is not appropriately selected or applied to the general population, it can become negative. Keen observation, experimentation, analysis based on sound inferences are needed to identify the specific-positive (or Activating) activities and use them only as applicable. See purple color items in Figure 13.

Among the human interventions, mentioned in Table 4: Human Intervening Manifestations, “Preventing Excess from Nature” and “Tailoring the Nature” activities (first 2 columns) can be  considered as generic-positive whereas the activities in “Controlling”, “Stretching the Limits”, and Modifying the Nature” (the last 3 columns in the Table) are not generic-positive and they can be either specific-positive or can become negative in the increasing order, if mindlessly applied. The net benefit, considering hidden and long-term costs, and beneficiaries’ motive, need to be weighed carefully on a case by case basis in order to be applied as specific-positive.

Third Lens Zone – Elevating Filter:  The last, third lens of Trinocular acts as a jumping board to quicken one’s evolution. Using generic-positives and, as applicable, specific-positives, one can develop further through various internal methods outlined in Section 6: Quickening Evolution, particularly, introspection for balancing the mind (see TCE 29), the techniques and methods for developing Intuition (see TCE 25) and performance of the bliss-gen actions (see Table 3). After developing thus far to this third zone, if one loses the impetus to further develop, invariably will develop attachment in the set of activities one is used to performing that attachment has potential to degrade one into the middle group or even becoming negative. In heavily imbalanced cases, as seen before. The Attachment BAF needs to be sublimated as Loyalty to Truth in order to develop further. In Figure 13, inner maroon color font items are generic-positive actions and the dark green color font surrounding bulls-eye are Bliss-gen actions.

Figure 13: Mental Dartboard - Common Human Encounters
Note: The common encounters (or closely synonymous) in human experiences are arranged based on the Trinocular view, in this “Mental Dartboard” (See Figure 13). The best human creation would be something that is designed as close as possible to the Creation’s design, supporting as many of its principles as possible[21].

As mentioned in the Introduction, many of the concepts in this theory are already time-tested age-old and not new but expressed in a format that gives a holistic and comprehensive view including the modern society developments, by excluding humanly incomprehensible items which are not vital for individual’s use. The focus of this new format is a practical application of these concepts that are verifiable in one’s daily life for the better living and potential Bliss experience in this lifetime, rather than after-life.

Looking at the whims and fancies of human nature, it is easy to concede to the idea of random mutations as the origins of life. On the contrary, as explained in this book, there is a subtle, amazing simplicity behind the mind-boggling complexities of Creation.

In summary, according to TCE, the point of Creation is to make one evolve by developing the capabilities to a maximum extent possible, based on own free-will and using the suffering as a guide to avoid negatives, in order to reach the target, with no possibility of escape[22].

Bedecked with the Trinocular, a free-willed human can develop his/her fullest capabilities in a fastest possible way to reach the target Ever-new Bliss: First, by shunning the Inertiating zone negatives through observation, then, by carefully applying the Activating specific-positive activities to propel towards developing the generic-positive qualities to Elevating zone. With inner Elevating zone as a base, using the Life-force control/Meditation led techniques, regularly, along with self-analysis and being Loyal to Truth, develop intuition. Using intuition-born true learning, perform the necessary Bliss-gen actions to balance the mind dynamically. Ultimately, by complete self-transcendence, achieve the endless Bliss target by self-becoming one with Cosmic Consciousness.

“May the strife-ridden world feel the enveloping
 Ever-New Bliss to rid its colossal sufferings!”


[1] Known as Satguru, or simply as Guru, in Hinduism.
[2] Say, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.
[3] Close to the concept of Acharya, in Hinduism; An Acharya is a teacher of a tradition and may or may not have reached the target but strives to live by principles and codes, as set by the founder of that tradition.
[4] By forming electrons, protons, and neutrons from the energy source and assembling them in the atomic levels.
[5] In Yoga, there is a less-commonly known practice for achieving a “frozen” state called, Jata Samadhi, in which for a prolonged period the body is suspended, like “prolonged sleep”, and the body cells are sustained directly by Universal Life Force (ULF), as explained in TCE 25 #D, thereby increasing individual’s lifespan. Since this “frozen” state does not affect consciousness evolution, it has not been included in the main part of the TCE.
[6] Private industry motives, as they exist to make profits, do not necessarily align with the need for proper distribution risk and reward for the long-term to a larger, unknown or future population.
[7] Overproduced, wastage, depletion of natural resources, global warming, irregular weather patterns, smog/pollution, mass-killing weaponry, bio-terrorism, nuclear bombs, nuclear accidents, uneven wealth distribution, computer viruses/ hacking, deadly virus/bacterial epidemics, drug-resistant strains, etc. are the visible examples of intentional abuse, misuse or reckless use. Although there are no sufficient countermeasures for these, at least, they are largely acknowledged as threats to mankind and measures (regulations, treaties, conferences, travel-alerts, etc.) are being taken.
[8] Allergies, cancers, degenerative, autoimmune diseases, Diabetes, hypertensions, asthma, stress-related, psychiatric diseases, etc.
[9] By ignoring the existence of Life-force (Prana) and its mechanics, the Medical Science is left with the process of “reverse-engineering” through observation, research, and experimentation. The results of this approach will help to prevent external causes (e.g., virus), to restore any dysfunctions or accidental damages of the localized body parts (e.g., lens correction, dental, prosthetics, etc.), to contain the spread (e.g., high fever, inflammation, open wounds) etc. However, for the systemic causes problems or medically “unknown” causes, as seen before in TCE, without higher-level problem-solving approach, it will only provide symptomatic remedies which at best will be a temporary solution and prone to cause unintended, side effects.
[10] Although apprehensive concerns are expressed in the increasing health risks of many different kinds of the incurable diseases, there have been no convincing studies or proven links to the causes at higher planes. One main reason is that the genetic research and development is fueled by the multi-billion dollar Pharma industry of private enterprises (and large agriculture, food processing, etc.). These companies are short-term result oriented and focused on Return on Investments for their costly experimentation in the Physical plane, which at best will reveal only limited information if the cause lies in the higher planes, and the research is held closely guarded due to Intellectual property rights. Based on limited samples with no visible ill effects and by meeting the minimum regulatory obligations, they release expensive, yet-to-be-fully-proven products to the market, at the cost of public health risk. Moreover, these private companies would be reticent to invest in the research in higher plane causes, since the techniques to fix the higher plane issues, “unfortunately” for them but thankfully for us, do not lend themselves for copyright protection, as explained in this book. For more discussion, visit
[11] See the Footnote 5 on Jata Samadhi above.
[12] In humans, in the embryonic stage, the fastest rate, followed by a steady rate and then slower rate towards the end. 
[13] The division referred in “cell division” (meiosis) is actually a replication process in which parent cell replicates into two by copying one set of the parent DNA (chromosomes) from the two sets to each of the offspring. Besides DNA, there is no reduction or fragmentation in the remaining contents of the cell from the parent to the children cells.  
[14] The animals, such as tortoise, pythons, that have slower breathing rate outlive humans; by contrast, fast-breathing animals, such as dogs, monkeys have a shorter lifespan than humans. 
[15] Descent is close to Avataar concept, in Hinduism, however, the mainstream Hindus consider Lord Krishna as the last Avataar and do not consider other cases such as mentioned here.
[16] Jealousy, ill-will towards good, cruel, vengeful, dominance through destruction, etc. are common evil intentions.
[17] In a letter to his contemporary Robert Hooke, in 1676. Those who are tantalized about Patents, Copyrights, etc. in recent times may want to take these great scientist’s words to heart.
[18] Hallucinations, Nightmares are examples of the negative forces; Visions, inspirations, joyous dreams are all of the positive forces. It is also possible for a strong-willed person to leave a vibratory form, without a corresponding physical manifestation, in the Energy Map (as ICEM – See Figure 10) that is accessible for future generations. Also, interestingly, in Hindu worship methods, many symbolic forms of God (Elephant-headed Ganesha, Durga with many hands, Six-headed Subramanya, etc.) follow this mode to inspire personal devotion (see TCE 26).
[19] See Appendix II: Target State - A well-descriptive poem, called Samadhi, that describes the target state vividly with visualization.
[20] In Hinduism, Generic-positive is known as Saamaanya Dharma, and Specific-positive is Visesha Dharma.
[21] Among manmade creations, the Open Source Software Development’s design appears thus far the closest to Creation’s design, with few exceptions. See Appendix III: Creation compared to Open-Source Software Platform
[22] If death is a final escape from one’s troubles, suicide would be the primary instinct for many those who suffer. But human appalling reactions to the cowardly suicides and the longing to live even those suffering from terminal diseases indicate that there is more to life than death. 
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