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Section 6: Quickening Evolution (TCE 25 - 29)

Section 6: Quickening Evolution

TCE 25.         Are there any verifiable methods to quicken human evolution?
Yes, there is a method available that can be verified by anyone and is outlined here.
First and foremost, “Loyalty to Truth[1]” is a must-have and requires to be followed until reaching the target. Loyalty to Truth means getting the True Understanding[2] (also known as Intuition, Intuitive Wisdom). Loyalty to anything limited, be it a form or name of God, a prophet, a guru, a religion, an organization, a practice or technique, a particular concept, a particular inner experience prior to target (lights, sounds, etc.), or anything else less than truth, it loses its true meaning and morphs into Attachment BAF (see TCE 22 #3) and blocks one from progressing further. On the contrary, “Treachery to oneself” (insincerity or fooling oneself) is the sure way to devolve.

Loyalty to Truth means relinquishing attachment to anything that is untrue to oneself and adhering to anything that is found to be true to oneself. In order for something to be true, the net effect of something must be beneficial. As simple as it sounds, putting this in practice, as mentioned in positive vs. negative action discussion earlier (see TCE 10), for determining what is true, limited truth[3], or false requires a greater understanding of how we learn. 

All of the human learning occurs in these two ways: 1) Observation & Inference 2) Self-becoming. The first way is a well-known method for learning and has been the only method used by the scientific community and it includes all the methods used to study the external world: research, experimentation, etc. The second method, the Self-becoming method, where “the knower, the knowing, and the known becomes one[4].” Although the second method is used in many situations[5] where the first method fails to provide enough basis to decide, it has not been well-studied[6] as for how this can be developed to our advantage. To put it simply, this method is what we commonly do when one tries to understand another person’s problems, i.e., “Putting oneself in other’s shoes”. This is the fastest way for learning and for growth[7].

Direct comprehension of truth by self-becoming, without any intervening medium, senses, or instrument, is called Intuition[8]. In other words, Intuition is self-becoming one with the truth. Although as a faculty, Intuition, is present in humans, it is there only in a basic form commonly, i.e., one knows that he/she exists, not by the thinking process, through any sensory input, or through any others. This basic intuition that every human being possesses is also called self-existence.

The first method uses analytic approach to studying an idea or a problem by dividing (or separating) the variables involved in it, then observing the results, analyzing them, and combining them with inferences based on logic. It cannot be used in situations (in many life’s important decisions) where logic fails. The second method, on the other hand, uses integrative or simultaneous approach to an idea or a problem that it comprehends as many variables involved as possible. It relies mainly on one’s own subjective experience where it is not objectively measurable. Since the second method uses the observer’s mind, the effectiveness of the outcome can be only as good as the observer’s mind, which is used as the observing instrument[9]. This poses a humongous problem in ascertaining what is true vs. not!

The ancient seers[10] of India found a way out of this age-old, universal “catch-22” conundrum. They found a methodical way to develop Intuition. Their problem-solving approach for this complex problem was quite modern and scientific, laid out here in a new format with an illustration.
A.     Requirement: Need to reach a higher state where one can observe one’s own mind, in an unfailing manner, so that the “instrument” can be properly calibrated to discriminate between truth vs. false.
B.      Criteria for Success: After calibration of the mind, the results of its judgment must be overall beneficial, as Truth cannot be otherwise. In other words, the results should not contradict what can be proved as non-beneficial by logic, common sense, or any other known means.
C.      Key Findings from Observations and Inferences:
1)      The mind has elastic nature in becoming what it identifies with (self-becoming).
2)      The quality of mind’s judgment is as proportional to its purity or balance (self-reflective).
3)      After a deep sleep, one gets a better mental clarity.
4)      There is no presence of the active mind in deep sleep. Yet, there is something that keeps tracks during that sleep. This tracker must be higher than the mind since after one wakes up, he knows that he slept well during that deep sleep.
5)      The breathing slows down in sleep to an extent it completely stops in deep sleep.
6)      After a deep sleep, the body gets invigorated with fresh energy.
7)      A close inverse correlation between the lifespan vs. breathing rate in animals. The slower the breathing rate the longer the animals live and vice-versa.
8)      The action’s unfoldment in three stages: a) the will to act b) plan and c) execution
9)      The accompanying exhilaration when glimpses of Intuitive experience occur without any precedence (ever-new).

Figure 10: Creation Mechanism
See TCE 31 for additional details on Composition.
D.     Energy Flow Control Mechanism in Ordinary states (See Figure 10): During the wakeful state, Individual’s Conscious mind or Energy Map (ICEM) is operative and the breathing process is governed by the Individual life-force (ILF) that supplies energy to the body cells through breath and ATP[11] for their full set of functions[12] (crystallization, circulation, metabolism, assimilation, and elimination). This ILF gets switched off in deep sleep, along with that it also disconnects the Individual’s Conscious mind (ICEM). But, in order to prevent the body cells from completely dying out due to lack of breath and ATP (that operates on ILF typically), the body cells are kept in a restful sustenance state in deep sleep with a minimum necessary energy supplied directly by switching on the Universal life-force (ULF) that supplies Minimum ATP to the body cells. During ULF’s control, the body’s state is being tracked by Individual Consciousness (IC) which is at a higher state than ICEM without it being aware. However, this tracking is known only after the fact by Conscious Mind (ICEM) as it requires to wake up ILF as well. Both ICEM and ILF come up during the subsequent wakeful state and ULF is switched off to the background.
E.      Overall Solution: Based on the Findings & Control Mechanism workings, the solution was to basically emulate a deep-sleep state consciously, so that one can gain access to the higher state (IC) which keeps track of the Conscious Mind (ICEM), while the body is sustained by Universal Life-force (ULF) to prevent it from dying. Using the body and ever-malleable mind as tools, the deep-sleep state can be gradually achieved, through various techniques or practices, listed in #F, that influence different control mechanisms, indicated with the numbered yellow circles in the picture. Once in the higher state, one can intuitively perceive one’s own mind with its contents. With that introspective view, through appropriate corrective actions, one can balance the mind. Until all the imbalances of mind are ironed out, the above introspective balancing process cycle will require to be repeated and eventually, one can gain the True Understanding in all circumstances, i.e., achieve Fully-developed Intuition. When one reaches the complete deep-sleep state, he is in the state of breathlessness or stillness[13].
F.      Techniques and Practices: The commonly used techniques and practices[14] that contribute towards achieving the deep-sleep state consciously, with their primary areas of influence in specific control mechanisms (the numbered yellow circles in Figure 10) indicated in brackets, below:
Naturally digestible diet[15] (5 & 4), Spartan sex (5, 4, 3, 2, & 1), Asana or Yoga postures[16] (5 & 4), Energization exercises[17] (5, 4 & 3), Pranayama or Life-force control through breathing techniques (4 & 3), Interiorization by directing the flow of energy inward away from the senses (2),  Visualization & Expansion (2) and Meditation or Concentration on aspects of Truth[18] (1), various self-transcending Bliss-gen actions (2 & 1) listed in Table 3.
G.     Safety Net: Deep peace or silence, Improving harmony in relationships (based on Balancing the Mind), Intuitive Inspirations, Recall of the long forgotten memory, and Frequent Experience of Bliss are common indicators[19] as one progresses through the Intuition development process. One need not wait until the end to reap these benefits and will occur as proportional to the effort one exerts. Without these life-giving benefits, as an incentive, it is extremely hard to dislodge the entrenched bad habits (Attachments in Mind). These and the “beneficial criteria” (#B) that will help one to ensure that the development is on right track.

In summary, in order to speed up the evolution, use Loyalty to Truth as your vehicle, accelerate using as many techniques and practices as you can, and control the vehicle through introspection for balancing the mind until you reach the destination (Stillness).

TCE 26.         Is TCE advocating no loyalty or worship to God, a religion, or a prophet?
There are teachings that entirely rely upon oneself without any intermediary whatsoever[20]. However, there is an important utility for conceptualizing the Truth in a limited form, name, or in a person. Until getting closer to balance in Mind, for many[21], loving or loyalty to Truth, as an abstract concept, would be a hard pill. They have no other option to evolve unless some aspect of the Truth is conceived concretely in a form or name of God or in a prophet or a master that they can relate to personally so that it can be a target for worship or devotion (love). Any positive human quality expanded to infinite becomes an aspect of Truth since Truth is all-virtuous. There is an abundance of heart-melting devotional literature in many religions, however, that requires being properly understood that they are meant for personal devotion[22], not meant to force upon others (i.e., violate others’ Free-will). Loyalty is a delicate virtue. It is conscious of human limitations (or boundaries) while adhering to the chosen ideal. Truth simply exists and operates on Its own accord, waits for no one’s sanction or requires anybody to defend It. If a person starts defending his/her chosen form (or even worse offending in the name of defense), that person is no longer loyal to that ideal or the truth expressed in that form but attached to the form, which is the root cause of many evils in the history of world religions.
TCE neither advocates nor deprecates any specific path or practice. It provides insight on a how a concept or practice fits and its dynamics, in the overall evolutionary context, with its use and its limitations. It is up to the reader to decide whether some idea, practice or technique works or not for him/her and whether continue to use it or not.

TCE 27.         What is Spartan Sex?
Sex is a natural creative instinct (an Action-Catalyst factor, ACF) for self-expansion and it represents the most complex form (i.e., the grossest form[23]) of creativity. In the human body cells of various types, from their functional complexity point of view, the sperm or egg cells are at the top of the ladder[24] since they represent the archetype of male (or female) in order to replicate its own kind. About 200 to 500 million sperm cells that typically get out of an adult male body during voluntary[25] ejaculation, whereas an adult female body, releases 1 (or rarely 2) egg cell to ovary per month in the involuntary menstrual cycle unless suspended when the egg cell is fertilized. The egg cell is fertilized by one cell out of the astounding count of sperm cells that enters the female body[26].

A close observation after ejaculation in male[27], for a few days[28],  will reveal the following that negatively impacts almost all the human-controllable mechanisms (see the numbered yellow circles in Figure 10):
§  The body muscles and senses becoming quickly tired (5 & 4)
§  Digestive process slowing down and uneasiness from partial excreta (5, 4 &3)
§  Thinking process becoming shallow that makes one impatient and restless (3 & 2)
§  Longing for supportive comfort and getting irritated or resentful on the contrary circumstances (2 & 1)
§  Becoming vulnerable for quick or rash decisions[29], without due consideration (1)
§  Brings down the consciousness level to Gross-plane, temporarily, curtailing the ability for self-transcendence, a precursor to Bliss (1) [30].

The main benefit of this oft-abused nature’s gift is to invite a fellow species into parents’ expanding circle of consciousness (or Scope of Ego BAF) and to provide them lifetime opportunities for bliss-gen actions by selflessly nurturing baby’s growth.  As a token incentive, momentary bliss is experienced during the climax of the act, in orgasm.

In general, women are cautious due to overt impending effects they face in abuse[31] whereas men abuse this more[32] due to lack of awareness of the covert effects listed above and their compounding effects with other debilitating bad habits[33]. Although the use of contraceptives and “pills” minimizes the pregnancy risk for women, the side-effects of their use in women’s health are not well-studied, but the above negative effects for male remain the same.

The best alternative to sex is to channel the self-expansive creative urge through other creative or expansive activities[34] that, with the help of computers and internet, can be done more easily and effectively. Not only that, if selflessness component is added to your activity, it will transform into bliss-gen action to which the momentary sexual bliss will pale, in comparison. 

If the desire for sex is for the main benefit of expanding family, one should go full steam and may consider giving a gap before attempting in order to invigorate virility[35] and for generating those huge number of sperm cells. For any other desires, being aware of the above negative factors and after consideration of potential alternatives, doing it judiciously is Spartan sex.

TCE 28.         Is non-vegetarian food considered a Naturally Digestible Diet?
Yes, as long as it suits you and naturally digestible with no laxative drugs. As we saw before, hunger is one of the important action-catalyst factors (ACF) for self-preservation instinct. Given that human body cannot internally generate enough energy without external food supply and also that it cannot survive just ingesting matter, we have no option but to eat something that has life-force to satisfy our hunger. The primary criteria for partaking food is: whether the food suits your body or not. The quantity and the frequency that you intake depends on your body constitution (height, weight, digestive power, etc.) and the activities you perform (life-style). The accurate indicator to know if the food suits you or not is to ensure clean elimination of excreta from the bowel. Most of the eating-related diseases engender from the partial retention (or incomplete elimination) of excreta in the intestine[36].

The logical approach for any experiment is to minimize the number of variables and test them by repetition. If one is having issues with natural elimination[37], the way to experiment with food varieties is to start from the lowest complex consciousness level, i.e., less number of variables, and go bottom up with additional complexities. Pick a set of commonly available food varieties that are to your liking and arrange them in this simple to complex order[38] and experiment with them by going bottom up without introducing too much variation in the lifestyle. The quantity and frequency will have to be adjusted according to calories of energy that the selected food provides.

Another thing to consider is: doing the some of the practices, mentioned above in TCE 25 #F, will help supplement the digestive process.  Also, it will provide alternative supply of energy, as one progresses in Pranayama, through Universal Life-force, ULF, rather than consuming individual’s ILF quota (See Figure 10 - Numbered Yellow-circles): Asana or Yoga postures (5 & 4), Energization exercises (5, 4 & 3), Pranayama or Life-force control through breathing techniques (4 & 3).

TCE 29.         How to do self-analysis or introspection?
Self-Analysis (or Intuitive Introspection) is the most valuable tool everyone has but unfortunately underutilized. It tremendously helps in one’s self-discovery and true learning[39].

Every human problem creeps out from the imbalance of mind and the solution is to take the mind towards balance, as proportional to the problem. As the Creation is based on relative (or duality) principles, there are no absolute imbalance or balance within the Creation. The goal is to dynamically maintain as close to balance as possible.

Even though introspection can be done at any time, since it relies on individual’s mind as a tool, the best time to do it is after you wake up from a good sleep or after meditation when the mental clarity is at its best.

Invariably, every human being to an extent does the analysis. Nevertheless, for an effective Self-analysis, the following procedure may be utilized:
1)      Be aware of the current Balance Profile.
2)      Have an Action Plan to go towards the Balance (i.e., to quicken Evolution).
3)      Regularly Introspect to identify new situations or problems.
4)      Analyze the problem to identify the potential root-cause.
5)      Identify the remedy, and get counsel as necessary, to validate.
6)      Apply the remedy until the results are in the expected direction. Increase the intensity as necessary. Get consultation if contrary results occur. Until one sufficiently develops Intuition, taking counsel is indispensable[40].
7)      In a periodic interval, review your Balance profile changes and ensure your overall progress is towards Balance and update your Action Plan, accordingly.

Balance profile is a snapshot of the current state of one’s mind, its strengths and weaknesses, expressed in terms of Balance-affecting factors (BAFs – see TCE 22) in the three outer aspects (Thought, Feeling, and Power) of consciousness. This will aid in developing an overall Action Plan.

The imbalance in mind occurs due to heaviness in BAF weightages or their disparity between three aspects (e.g., Rational/Intellectual are typically Thought predominant, Emotional/Devotional are Feeling predominant, and Active/Service-oriented: Power predominant), as discussed previously in Section 3: Human Consciousness and Section 5: Human Evolution[41].

The overall Action Plan is strategic and will help in setting one’s overall direction towards the balance, whereas the regular Introspection is tactical and will help in correcting the course or adjust the pace, as needed.

In general, the practices of the bliss-gen actions, outlined in Table 3 will help to improve the overall balance in all aspects regardless of which aspect this action is initiated from, as seen before, at higher stages aspects overlap with each other more so than at lower stages. These will help reduce BAF weightages by thinning the Darkness BAF, by broadening the Scope of Ego BAF, and by lessening the Attachment BAF. One can include in the Action plan the practice of these bliss-gen actions, as many as possible, as they are unlimited by nature. In particular, Inner-Will practices can be performed universally regardless of one’s temperament which may limit the exercise of other practices to some extent since they depend on the availability of the external factors.

Predominant Aspect
“Bliss-gen” Actions
·         Meditating on True words of wisdom,
·         Contemplating on Creation’s purpose and design,
·         Self-Discovery & True Learning,
·         Providing Counsel towards others evolution
·         Praying intently for one’s own or others sufferings,
·         Sympathizing towards afflicted,
·         Feeling grateful with contentment,
·         Self-transcendence (in forgetting one’s ego)
·         Deep longing for oneness
·         Giving to needy of anything worth,
·         Helping to solve others problems through creativity,
·         Sharing good-will to others in words, action, and thoughts
Inner Will
See TCE 25 #F Techniques & Practices. These practices will help in experiences such as the following, which will provide the impetus for further performance: 
·         Deep Peace,
·         Expansion of Consciousness,
·         Recall of long forgotten memory,
·         Intuitive Awareness,
·         Frequent occurrence of Bliss Experience
It is important to note that these are not only unlimited in nature but also does not have any external dependencies unlike in other aspects.
Table 3: Bliss-gen actions

For situational remedies, regular Introspection is very vital in order to balance the mind from the pull of the world. The mind gets stirred from the interactions with the world due to misunderstanding (erroneous judgment) which stems from the underlying imbalance condition of the mind, as briefly seen in TCE 20.

From an individual’s perspective, who is performing the introspective analysis, the entire spectrum of reactions can be broadly classified into either avoidable (See Figure 11) or unavoidable (See Figure 12) situations. The initial reactions, in both categories, start out between the opposite poles of attraction (love or like) and repulsion (hate or dislike) or in between (provocative, a mix of love & hate), or neither (mindless, habitual).
This classification helps for the following reasons: 1) Even though the initial reactions may start in one way, they get complicated or, at times, change their initial position altogether as more in-depth findings are made. The appearance of good, bad, and evil are so close and similar, finding the difference is of paramount importance for one’s evolution. 2) Most of the situations that involve people will germinate from misunderstanding. The root-cause issue for the misunderstanding often is on both sides, which is the main cause of provocation, and that require appropriate action based on whether it can be avoided or not. 3) The situations that do not involve other people, such as material things, organization, policy, event, or idea, may also trigger the reactions that require categorical handling. 4) Although there will be possible crossovers, based on the initial to later findings, from one category to another (indicated by arrows with connecting # yellow tags in the pictures), this classification helps to place special emphasis on self-discovery and learning.

Often taken for granted but a formidable tendency, Habit, is formed by repetition of actions that is instrumental in developing either a good or bad habit. Although the formation of good habits propels one’s evolution by providing efficiency gains in the initial stages, due to its susceptibility to Attachment BAF, it becomes a hindrance in the higher stages since it blunts one’s proper exercise of the discriminative faculty.

Figure 11: "Can Avoid" Situations - Self-Analysis Chart A
Note: “You” refers to the introspector and “They” refers to those that triggered the situation.

Few notes on the Self-Analysis charts (on both Figure 11 & Figure 12):
“Respectful” means respecting your Free-will without getting imposed (or violated) by them. Pushing to do “wrongdoing” violates one’s Loyalty to Truth.  “Counsel” is preferably to be sought from those in “True Teacher” and “True Fellowship”[42] groups with whom one has personal access. As providing counsel without imposing is one of the Bliss-gen actions for the counselor, “shyness” may be avoided on your (the one who seeks it) part unless advised otherwise.

In general, “provocation” and “hate” response from you would require counsel as they indicate a flaw in you, to some extent, even if the other party has the majority of the flaw. With the most commonly occurring “provocation” group, it is difficult to teach or learn due to flaws of each other that would easily flare up and end up upsetting the ambiance for learning. The “Duty Killers” are mostly habitual and waste valuable time that otherwise would be spent on attending to serious issues such as persistent hatred on your part that may potentially lead to “Prolonged Pain” situations.

Figure 12: "Cannot Avoid" Situations - Self-Analysis Chart B
Note: “You” refers to the introspector and “They” refers to those that triggered the situation.

Although these Self-analysis charts do not provide the solution, they will help the introspector a level of initial guidance on how to approach a situation to handle it effectively. In given situations, acting recklessly or contrary to the “Expected actions to Balance” will most likely be counter-productive for balancing the mind.

As can be noticed, there are more unpleasant “teaching” or learning opportunities in the “unavoidable” Chart B (Figure 12). As noted earlier in the discussion on suffering (See TCE 21), without them there is no opportunity for one to learn. Although unpleasant and irritating, these situations provide one an insight for knowing one’s own flaws and the opportunity to seek to address them. This is self-discovery and true learning of the Open-Secret creation. The entire creation and its mechanics are open “presentation” for anyone to figure it out, but it is a secret because no one else can find it but can be discovered only by one’s own self. The one who is victorious over these inner enemies is more courageous than achieving any outer accomplishments.

Accepting a situation that has already occurred in the past is a critical success factor for self-analysis. Accepting does not mean one is wrong. All it indicates is the openness to inquiry and the willingness to correct per chance if there is any part of the problem is on the part of introspector.

Impatience and fear are two biggest hindrances for introspection and subsequent successful resolution. Although both these stem from the fundamental instincts: “Increase happiness, avoid pain” (see TCE 13), but they become hindrances here due to erroneous imagination based on mind’s imbalance. Impatience is a result of the thinking that the time spent in self-analysis could otherwise be spent in increasing happiness. Fear results from the perceived loss of happiness or gain of suffering, mostly due to past habitual conditioning or attachment to the past events and/or future false expectations.

As one’s consciousness evolves (i.e., Intuition sufficiently develops), one would be able to comprehend the truth as it is. With the self-reflective nature of mind, one will start noticing the following patterns, from either category (See Figure 11 & Figure 12):
·            The “red” boxed cases (“Evil” & “Cunning” from the avoidable) will stop bothering even if they were in the Unavoidable category (“Evil”, “Violence Breeders”, & “Prolonged Pain”) in the beginning and start vanishing from one’s realm completely. The “Duty Killers” will no longer be there in your realm, you will be busy with the self-development.
·            The “orange” boxed cases (Painful “Teachers”, Compassion “Teachers”, Patience “Teachers”, “Hidden Flaw Reminders”, “Cautious Friendship”) will gradually become less provocative, either fall wayside or gradually transform into “green” boxed cases (“Learning Testers”, “True Fellowship”, “Your Student”, or “True Teachers”).
·            Ultimately, every relationship will be a “True Fellowship”.
·            And everything in the Creation will be a “True Teacher”.

This is the way one can witness in his/her life of the workings of the Self-governance and Matching process, explained in Section 4: Self-Governance.

[1] Loyalty is Visvasa in Sanskrit, literally means “without breath” or “breathlessness”, which has an interesting connection that will come up later in this discussion.
[2] “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7
[3] Limited truth is not Truth, which is all encompassing; The limited truth may have been certain circumstances to be beneficial to some but does not apply to everyone, all the time. See Footnote 58 also.
[4] Triputi (gyaana-gyaatru-gyeya; dhyana-dhyaatru-dhyeya, etc.) in Vedanta 
[5] In parenting (feeling one with children), counseling (feeling one with others), leading social causes (feeling one with the causes), community development (feeling one with the community), etc.
[6] See PL 2. Scientists studying Quantum mechanics of sub-atomic particles have encountered the situations where the boundary between the observer and the observed blurs. However, no relevance to this method of learning was made by the scientific community, in general.
[7] Interestingly, many large companies, in the US particularly, grow not just by their own innovation or problem-solving ability. They typically acquire smaller companies that have already solved the problem or have innovated something new and adapt their practices to the larger body. A company with the best ability to merge or acquire seamlessly (i.e., self-becoming, in a lighter vein) is the most successful!
[8] Some may have experienced flashes of Intuition in life’s crucial decisions or situations (in avoiding accidents, or in changing one’s course of life, etc.) that were unthought of before. See more about this in TCE 34 on Descent.
[9] “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Matthew 7
[10] Known as “rishis” (literally, means “seers” of the truth). Their important revelations were documented, especially, in treatises of Yoga and Vedanta, in a language that is universally applicable. In the Vedanta system of Sage Vyasa, a comprehensive, systematic method for Self-Discovery/Inquiry into truth, elaboration of Consciousness levels, description of Blissful states, various aspects of ultimate Truth etc. are beautifully explained (main works: Upanishads, Brahma Sutra, and Bhagavad Gita – together known as Prastana Trayam or “original triplets”). In the comprehensive “eight-limbed” Yoga system of Sage Patanjali, the scientific technique of harnessing the power of inner-will through Pranayama (Life-force control), a unique contribution to the world, was covered (main works: Yoga Sutras).
[11] ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) transports energy within cells.
[12] Functions of 5 Individual life-force (ILF) variations that are essential for maintaining body health: prana, vyana, udana, samana, and apana, respectively.
[13] “Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 and “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.” 1 Corinthians 15:31 suggest that Jesus Christ and his disciples were aware of the stillness state which is close to dying but with witnessing in bliss state. The “daily” reference suggests that they also knew the technique to commune at will, consciously.
[14] Thanks to Sri Lahiri Mahasaya for reviving the ancient Kriya Yoga technique in the 19th century AD and since then several Yoga Masters in his lineage and others, there are various Yoga/Meditation techniques and practices mentioned here are available to the general public worldwide. Many wonderful commentaries on scriptures, online resources, do-it-yourself visualization/meditation videos are available now. See My Readings List.
[15] Diet that is digestible with as minimal laxative drugs as required, so that the body mechanism is not overloaded in consuming more energy and breath. The disease is a distraction for regular practice, especially in the early stages. 
[16] Popularly known as “Yoga” throughout the world. Asanas or Yoga Postures practice is one of the visible of 8 “limbs” Yoga system of Sage Patanjali. Others limbs are Yama (Don’ts), Niyama (Do’s), Pranayama, Pratyahara (Interiorization), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditation), and Samadhi (Intuitive states). Many are in #F.   
[17] A set of physical exercises, muscle control exercising using will, and breathing exercises together, discovered by Paramhansa Yogananda. Especially, those who are constrained by space & time or cannot perform Yoga postures may find it more attractive.
[18] Aspects of Truth must be unlimited aspects, such as Peace, Awareness, ever-expansive, Ever-Consciousness, Ever-new Bliss, Ever-existing, Infinite Wisdom, Infinitely Selfless (Love or Compassion or Mercy), which is often attributed to a Limited form or name or a person (e.g., Kali, Allah, Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Yogananda) that exhibits that Infinite quality, however attachment to that limited aspect will be detrimental, as mentioned before, is the leading cause of many Negatives. See more about this in TCE 26
[19] Light between the eyebrows (“spiritual eye”), hearing different sounds or rays at spinal centers, hearing the primordial sound, and other Subtle Plane phenomena may also occur, but attaching to them (i.e., eagerly looking for them) will retrograde the process.
[20] One such in recent times is of J. Krishnamurti (JK), who advocated Self-Inquiry into Truth by direct comprehension, providing no prescription of any practices or techniques, as they are vulnerable for attachment, as we have seen in Loyalty discussion. He didn’t want anybody to follow him as a master or guru either, for the same reason. However, it is important to note that he didn’t condemn other religions/paths or prophets/masters and, in fact, had mutual respect with many saints of traditional religions or paths. It indicates to me that his teachings are not against religions/paths or Masters as long as they help towards one’s Self-Inquiry, but only against attachment to them, which is consistent with TCE.
[21] Emotional people (Feeling-aspect predominant) require devotion to ideal for their evolution and extremely imbalanced intellectuals (Thought-aspect predominant) require it for corrective action to balance their mind.
[22] Ishta Devata in Hinduism
[23] Compare the extensive amount of testing that is done for hardware vs. less for software which is relatively easier to update.
[24] Sapta dhatus (7 types of “fundamental” cells), in Hinduism, from lower to higher complexity: skin cells, blood cells, muscle fiber cells, plasma/lymph cells, bone cells, brain/nervous system cells, sperm or egg cells.
[25] Mostly voluntary, except that happens involuntarily during dreams, nervous weakness due to overuse, etc.
[26] The remaining sperm cells that enter vagina are not rejected or wasted. The natural cellular mechanism takes care of decomposing the cells as they die out and recycle them in the female body.
[27] For females, a similar effect can be observed during menses period. 
[28] Approximately, 3 – 5 days or even more depending on the individual.
[29] Cause for regret later, in most cases and also susceptible for attachment. May want to avoid life’s crucial decisions if possible.
[30] Many religious traditions, especially monastics, expect strict abstinence from sex, as it shunts the intended quickening of evolution (especially the last point and may get compounded by other points). However, its forced suppression, without sublimation, is detrimental and will likely lead to hypocrisy, illicit sexual practices, etc.
[31] Unintended pregnancy, abortion, etc.
[32] Masturbation, anal sex, same-gender sex, etc.
[33] Drugs, alcoholism, domestic violence, overeating, etc. compound the effects of sex, in a negative spiral.
[34] Gardening, cooking, writing, painting, community service, etc. are effective means, in general. With computers and smartphones, making a video, clip, artwork, presentation, etc. is a breeze and easily make a media of what you are good at and share via social media. Online interest groups can be formed, fairly quickly with minimal effort and cost, for sharing people with a similar temperament, globally with no boundaries.
[35] Those who suffer from miscarriages and lack of virility, before or along with fertility treatments, or in general, everyone, may consider developing “positive magnets” by wishing consciously for a child to be of higher consciousness, in order to counter the worries and fear of failure. As evolution is the way of life, it will improve the chances for success.
[36] Before eating, checking on easy symptoms, such as tired body, active senses (in search for food), odorless burp or gas, and adjusting accordingly what you eat would save you from troubles later.
[37] Until you are successful with the suitable selections, if your body is accustomed to taking laxative drugs, take as minimally necessary as possible, to have the complete elimination of excreta. Also, may try food supplements.
[38] To my knowledge, there is no table of food contents available based on the consciousness level. Use common-sense approach with the Internet, for e.g., wheat is more complex than rice, based on protein; cow or pig is more complex than fish or bird, etc. Consider avoiding food that is proven to be carcinogenic or cause health issues.
[39] The development or growth that self-analysis provides is far superior to any resulting from the external learning and analysis, although the latter is necessary for interactions with the world, in a subordinate role.
[40] Due to “catch-22” problem discussed in TCE 25
[41] Also, Following the visualization of the Human mind, explained earlier, considering outer aspects as helium balloons with weights will help to comprehend the imbalance clearly. For more examples and numeric weights for those who are mathematically inclined, see Appendix I: Balancing Profile Examples.
[42] In Hinduism, Satguru = True Teacher; Satsanga = True Fellowship.
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