MCCRF - A global volunteer network

Section 5: Human Evolution (TCE 22 - 24)

Section 5: Human Evolution

TCE 22.         What is Human evolution?
The main needs of humans can be classified into three ascending levels as follows:
Ø  Gross-level[1] - Prosperity, Safety, Physiological Health, Sensual Pleasure, Sex
Ø  Subtle-level – Efficiency, Skills, Support, Bonding, Life-force, Creativity, Happiness
Ø  Causal-level – Self-Expansive, Will-power, Calmness, Understanding, Care, Bliss

There is a symbiotic relationship between one level to another. The evolution normally occurs in the order from Gross (lower) to Causal (higher) level. However, on an exception basis, one may be able to transcend to a higher level without having met the needs at the lower levels.

One cannot remain truly satisfied at the lower levels, due to evolutionary instincts. Any short-comings or sufferings (i.e., problems) at a lower level push one towards higher-level to solve. At higher-level, one can solve the problem by harnessing the forces that control the lower-level. A problem at a level can only be effectively addressed from the level above it. “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.[2]” From the evolution point of view, not addressing one’s problem, puts one’s evolution in a detour and in stagnation or even worse make it vulnerable to degradation.

The three Balance-affecting factors (BAF) affect the human evolution as follows:
1)      BAF Darkness, which is a measure of the degree of error or misusage, sets the direction of evolution, whether one is evolving or devolving. In the picture, the downward and/or outward movement are indicated for devolving, and upward and/or inward movement for evolving. 
2)      BAF Scope of Ego, which is a measure of the degree of selfishness, provides the multiplier effect, for the Darkness BAF, in either direction.  It is depicted as the size of the circle (See Figure 6: Balance Affecting Factors (BAF)) and the circle size shrinks with the downward movement for decreasing scope (i.e., narrow-minded), and enlarges with the upward movement for increasing scope (i.e., broad-minded). 

 Figure 8: Movements and their impacts to Balance-affecting factors

3)      BAF Attachment is the most challenging and cunning binding force. At one point, it may have aided one in the evolution, but the same thing will prevent one from evolving further, at a later point. Not only that, it blunts one’s discrimination faculty that is required for true learning. A combined negative influence of this with the other BAFs makes one vulnerable to become a victim to evil influences and, in extreme negative cases, it even turns oneself to become evil.

At the Gross-level, it is fairly straight-forward to detect misuse. If one ignores the misuse from fixing it, the legal systems, in most part of the world, have ways to deal with gross misuse[3]. It becomes more difficult to detect the negativity at the Subtle-level[4] since most of the times the misuse cannot be fixed to one individual or to one group of individuals. It is extremely hard to detect the negative factors at the Causal-level[5]  as it involves many individuals and the may continue for many generations, even for centuries. Most of the times the ones involved may not even be aware of the misuse or being victimized.

Summing it all up, human beings can evolve from Gross-level (lower) to Causal-level (higher), ultimately to the target, by reducing the Darkness BAF and by broadening the Scope of Ego BAF, without getting Attachment BAF, on the way.

TCE 23.         Are there stages in Human evolution?
Although there are no strict boundaries, the stages of human evolution can be classified based on that involves outer interaction vs. entirely an inner experience.

In TCE model (See Figure 9), The Outer Interaction stages consist of 11 Balancing levels and the first 9 levels (B1 – B9) are grouped into 3 stages, each with 3 levels based on the human consciousness aspects: Thought, Power, and Feeling:
Ø  Based on Outer Interaction (B1 – B11)
o   Stage 1: B1 – B3
o   Stage 2: B4 – B6
o   Stage 3: B7 – B9
o   Stage 4: B10 – B11
Ø  Based on Inner Experience (S1 – S6)
o   Overlaps with Stage 4: B10 – B11

Figure 9: Human Evolution Outer Interactive Balancing Levels and Inner Experience Stages

The first stage (B1 – B3) is “oneself” stage for taking care of one’s own needs and develop skills needed. The second “one-to-one” stage (B4 – B6) is for the development of consciousness for interacting with others on a 1x1 basis. The third stage (B7 – B9) is known as “one-to-many” stage of the evolution where one deals with a group of people, starting from family, large enterprise, community, country, etc[6]. The next two levels (B10 & B11), each corresponds to a stage, overlaps with the Inner Experience stages, as indicated in the picture. The B10 level is for the committed individual for faster-paced evolution, labeled “Quickening Evolution,” in order to reach the target. B11 is for those who are near target or reached and the people in this level map to “Blissful” IC5 global-type (See Figure 1: Consciousness Evolution, with 5 sheaths).

The Inner Experiential stages consist of 6 overlapping stages (S1 – S6), as indicated in the labels in Figure 9. These stages occur in people who are keen on quickening their evolution, using their unique benefit of free-will. The practices in these stages are predominantly “Bliss-gen” actions (see Table 3: Bliss-gen actions). More about the last two B10 & B11 levels and Inner Experience stages are covered in Section 6: Quickening Evolution.

TCE 24.         What are the ways available for humans to evolve?
Table 1 shows the examples that society offers for Human evolution. They are classified based on Thought, Power, & Feeling Aspects (See pink color lines in Figure 9) and note that the boundary between them blurs in the higher stages. These examples are grouped as Consciousness stages with their corresponding levels (see 1st column).

Through democratic institutions and advancements in science & technology, the society offers most of the mankind avenues to evolve beyond Stage 1 (B1 – B3) and control the Negatives that affect others, at this stage, through law enforcement agencies. The Society also offers a variety of ways to develop oneself in Stage 2 and Stage 3, especially in the Thought (B7) & Power (B9) area. Despite the lack of education on self-development and the human mind, in general, a majority of the aspiring individuals can easily develop themselves beyond Stage 2 (B4 – B6) and a few committed individuals, through their perseverance and association, develop in Stage 3 (B7 - B9) and become successful as true leaders.

However, the secular modern society overall lacks the ability to deal with the Negatives effectively in these two stages (Stage 2 & Stage 3) and does not offer any consistent explanation to many intriguing questions (See “Ever Wondered” Questions).

Stage #
Oneself #1
(“belief” in oneself)

Gross/ Subtle (lower) level
Books, Media – Learning about People, arts, science, tech, events, etc. (B1)
Do-it-yourself tools and techniques, fitness, wealth, hobbies, etc. (B2)
Pleasure, Health, Safety, Food, Shopping, Travel, Movies, TV, etc. (B3)
Vulnerable to these negatives (see footnote [7]), if not evolving beyond this stage, plus those cascaded from the stages above.
One-to-One #2
(“trust” in another)

Subtle (lower) level
Request help/ service, talks, discussion, verbal promises, etc. (B4)
Small business, barter, renting, trade, training, handyman,  
Small-scale automation, etc. (B5)
Friendship, performing arts & show, partying, living together, etc. (B6)
Vulnerable to these negatives (see footnote [8]), if not evolving beyond this stage, plus those cascaded from the stages above.  
One-to-Many #3
(“Commitment” to group)

Subtle (higher) level
Human Rights, Constitution, Law, Ethics, Values, Contracts, etc. (B7)
Political freedom, Social Institutions, Law enforcement,
Large business, Large-scale automation, etc. (B8)
Family relations,
Parenting, Marriage, Affiliations to religion, race, country, caste, etc. (B9)
Vulnerable to these negatives (see footnote [9]), if not evolving beyond this stage, plus those cascaded from the stage above.
Table 1: Avenues Modern Society Offers for Human Evolution

Stage #
Quickening Evolution #4
(“Loyalty” to truth)

Subtle (higher)/ Causal level
Theology, Philosophy, Rituals, Customs, etc.

Places of worship, Volunteer Service,   
Build Community, Philanthropy, etc.
Devotional practices, Worship & Prayers, etc.
Vulnerable to these negatives (see footnote [10]) if Loyalty to anything limited or to less than the truth (Loyalty becomes BAF Attachment).
Table 2: Avenues Major Religions Offer for Quickening Human Evolution

The Stage 4 (B10) – Quickening Evolution was confined to religions due to various reasons[11] and Science has stayed aloof so far from dealing with any of these concepts that are in religion’s domain. Except for a few niche spiritual traditions, the concepts dealt in the scriptures of major religions are hard to reconcile unless done by voluminous interpretations[12], mainly due to linguistic, cultural differences and also due to insertions and omissions that were done to them over time.

Interestingly, despite the lack of global transportation, the major religions of the world have identified a similar set of practices and attitudes, however, in their own ways, that are conforming to Human Consciousness Aspects (See Table 2).  Although some of these practices are Bliss-generating actions, unfortunately, due to misplaced loyalty, the religions’ legacy has been muddled with more Negatives than the intended quickening of the human evolution. Only a dedicated few are able to benefit towards their real progress from religions, and even those few do not see scientific development in a positive light.

There is a complex, convoluted problem in the way how humans learn to discriminate between positives and negatives and hence most of the Negatives originate in higher stages are left unaddressed. A proven method has been outlined and its details are discussed in the next important section of this book.

[1] In Vedanta: Gross – Sthula; Subtle – Sukshma; Causal – Kaarana. Sometimes also referred as Physical, Mental, and Spiritual, respectively.

[2] Quote attributed to Albert Einstein.

[3] Gross level misuses, e.g., theft, assault, unhygienic, porn, drugs, etc.

[4] Subtle level misuses, e.g., cheating, corruption, corporate fraud, cunningness, greed, etc.

[5] Causal level misuses, e.g., racial discrimination, “holy-wars” untouchability, slavery, unethical proselytization, etc., are the results of Causal-level extreme negative cases that manifest visibly.

[6] More on this topic, watch my video: at “Phd Siva” YouTube channel. The outer interactive stages map to the ancient class-based system of India, as follows: oneself – Sudras; one-to-one – Vaisyas; one-to-many – Kshatriyas; last two (B10 & B11) – Brahmins. In practice, however, this lofty concept has been made a complete mess by tying these consciousness stages to the birth-line (morphed into a caste system with many fold sub-divisions) and by making these stages as rigid thereby the caste at birth will remain throughout one’s life, which is entirely contrary to its principle. Any relevance to this caste system can be set aside for TCE purpose.

[7] “Oneself stage” negatives: boredom, stupidity, purposeless, violent games, wastage, disease-prone, smoking, drugs, alcohol, self-sex, porn, etc.

[8] “One-to-One stage” negatives: brainwash, threats, cheating, casinos, inefficiencies, poor quality, accidents, exploitation, extortion, cruelty to animals, depression, illicit sex, binge, gun culture, pomp, jealousy, etc.

[9] “One-to-Many stage” negatives: anarchy, tyranny, lawsuits, corruption, corporate greed, power misuse, terrorism, nuclear accidents, bioterrorism, atom bombs, bitter divorces, poor parenting, domestic violence etc.

[10] “Quickening Evolution stage” negatives: mass confusion, conflicts of interest, dogmatism, superstitions, untouchability, unethical proselytization, slavery, religious wars/ terrorism, abuse of supernatural powers, etc.
[11] Church & State separation, dogmatism in theologies, superstitious customs, inconsistencies, and hatred between religions, etc.
[12] An intuitive interpretation of the Christian Bible is available. See My Readings List #2
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