MCCRF - A global volunteer network

Section 4: Self-Governance (TCE 19 - 21)

Section 4: Self-Governance

TCE 19.         What is Self-governance and how does it work?
Self-governance is a simple but crucial checks-and-balance mechanism of the Creation. It works based on the “closed-loop feedback mechanism”, that is similar to the ones used in many machine control systems.

Figure 7: Self-Governance Mechanism
As any creative action involves multiple stages (desire, think, perform – see TCE 9), the governance mechanism in Creation also works in multiple stages. At the top, it starts between Individualized Consciousness’ Balance (as seen in TCE 18) and Free-will (guided-will in life-forms other than humans).

Every Individualized Consciousness (IC) that manifests, in duality-based creation, is in the imbalance state to start with. The action-catalyst factors (ACF – hunger, sleep, death, sex – see TCE 12) prompt Free-will (or guided-will) to act based on the universal instinct: “increase happiness, avoid suffering.” The performed action based on balance-affecting factors (BAF – Scope, Darkness, Attachment - see TCE 18) will either lead towards the Balance in consciousness or continue to be in the imbalanced state (same or worse). This cycle will continue until one is able to dynamically auto-balance (i.e., achieve the target). See Figure 7.

Although the Free-will in humans will no longer allow the evolution to be strictly upward, the matching mechanism still continues to present circumstances (see TCE 15) for humans to evolve taking into consideration of propensities resulting from Free-will coupled with BAFs.

TCE 20.         How does the matching process work in humans with Free-will?
The Free-will is a double-edged sword. While it can help speed up the evolution process in an unimaginably rapid manner, it can also stagnate the development, almost perpetually, or make it worse.

The human mind, in the imbalanced state, develops either positive (attractive or desirable) and negative (repulsive or hateable) forces, termed as “magnets.” These magnets can be of different strengths, from unnoticeably mild strength to apparently visible powerful kind. These magnets and Balance-affecting factors (BAF) affect each other, especially the formidable Attachment BAF, which acts as a brake for the evolution.

Since the evolution must eventually bring humans back to balance, the matching process includes these “neutralizers,” to counter Attachment BAF: 1) removal of something one is strongly attached to (positive magnet) from his/her realm. 2) inclusion of something one hates (negative magnet) in his/her realm. Hate is nothing but the Attachment BAF in negative.

A close observation of one’s mind through introspection will reveal these suggestions, more about which will be discussed in Self-Analysis topic (see TCE 29). Despite the promptings from this matching process and the sufferings resulting from the Imbalanced state, the Free-will, true to its meaning, still allows one to ignore these suggestions and continue as one chooses, for however long it may be so.

TCE 21.         What is suffering and its role in the evolution?
Suffering is the result of applying one’s incorrect (or erroneous) understanding of the principles in Creation and is an indicator of the imbalance in one’s consciousness. The degree of suffering is proportional to the degree of imbalance. Without suffering, one will not have the opportunity to correct the errors in one’s understanding, which is a true learning. This is a fundamental tool that the Creation uses for life-forms, including humans, to evolve with the universal driver for action: “increase happiness, avoid suffering”. 
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