Section 1: Creation and Purpose (TCE 1 - 8)
Section 1: Creation and Purpose
TCE 1. What is Creation?
Creation is an Open-Secret, Self-discoverable, Self-becoming, Self-governing, Consciousness Evolution Platform[1], in order for the created subjects to achieve the target of Absolute, free, ever-existing, ever-expansive, endless, completely aware, Ever-new Bliss[2].
TCE 2. What is Creation made up of?
No creation is possible with just Absolute. Like how the computers were architected based on the principle of binary 1 & 0’s and “unlimited” [3] combinations of them, the Creation’s design is based on the duality or relativity[4] principle (truth & false; attraction & repulsion; birth & death, etc.) and their unlimited combinations, in between.
TCE 3. Is there any plausible purpose behind the Creation?
This theory postulates the purpose as follows: No division can take place from a whole without involving some loss unless the parts will be able to generate new gains in order to compensate the loss so that the resultant will be same or more than the initial whole, analogous to business investments model. Similarly, the Creation is expecting the parts of the creation to generate new Bliss, with the target of Absolute, ever-expanding Bliss. Without the generation of new Bliss, the Absolute cannot retain its originality due to the loss in relativistic creation. Despite the complexity in Creation’s design, a singular, consistent, and sure method of self-transcendence indicates that the new generation of Bliss is possible in the Creation.
TCE 4. How do we know, we can generate new Bliss in Creation?
There are many instances where Bliss is experienced within Creation. The most common experiences are: during deep sleep and during sexual orgasm, but they both have limitations. The experience in deep sleep is only known after the fact, due to being unaware during the state of deep sleep and in sex, it becomes counter-productive with overuse or unilateral drive by force. These two are not just limited to humans, other life-forms also do experience but in a lesser degree. The following instances are not common and predominantly experienced by humans that can be consciously performed to create new opportunities: in selfless giving of anything worth, in contemplating about the creation’s purpose and design, in seeking earnestly to get relieved from sufferings of the world, in sympathizing with others’ problems and helping to solve their problems, in being truly thankful for the things one has and many more similar “self-transcending” actions or attitudes and also in deep meditative states (intuitive inspirations, experiencing stillness, etc.). This set of conscious actions are performed by humans are termed as “Bliss-gen” actions.
TCE 5. What is Bliss?
Bliss is a central thread that links all part of the Creation, according to this book, and its multi-facet nature is elaborated here: Bliss is a unique, intense feeling of joy. The experiencer, while forgetting the external aspects, feels an intense awareness of oneness with no boundaries. This experience is a dynamic movement of consciousness that does not preclude suffering or longing leading to the Bliss. This is not something that can be forced upon but can occur with certain attitudes, practices and techniques, which will be discussed in detail in the later part of the book[5]. Bliss is different from the feeling of excitement as the latter lacks the calm, reassuring, fresh and inexhaustible feeling of oneness that Bliss provides. More importantly, the Bliss experience accompanies with the intuitive awareness of the individual in the overall expanded context and this comprehensive perspective engenders unlimited potential for creativity. Once experienced, an individual will not be able to settle for any other human experience.
TCE 6. Can someone else achieve the target for us?
No, there is no proxy possible in achieving the target, as it requires “Self-becoming”. However, others can help one towards achieving the target if one allows them to help. But, one can achieve the target only through own experience.
TCE 7. What is the origin of this Creation? Did God or someone create this?
This is beyond the scope of this book to answer. There are an astounding number of theories and interpretations that exist in different religious and non-religious schools. It is up to the reader to believe as he/she may choose. Individual’s belief or no belief will not make a difference in the concepts outlined here since these concepts are built based on what we can comprehend from ordinary human experience and does not speculate what is beyond ordinary human comprehension.
This is beyond the scope of this book to answer. There are an astounding number of theories and interpretations that exist in different religious and non-religious schools. It is up to the reader to believe as he/she may choose. Individual’s belief or no belief will not make a difference in the concepts outlined here since these concepts are built based on what we can comprehend from ordinary human experience and does not speculate what is beyond ordinary human comprehension.
TCE 8. Is Creation a random, purposeless, “fun play”?
Although the complexity in creation is bewildering and, in some contexts, appears like a hide & seek game[6], a deeply thoughtful design (see PL 1 & PL 3: mathematical accuracy, order, interdependency, etc.) behind everything in creation and the Self-governance mechanisms, discussed later in TCE, indicate that the Creation was not made as a random trick or a pointless fun play. It can, however, be said as an “Investment” for productivity that results in the gain of ever-expansive Bliss, which is the finest form of happiness and fun.
[1] Many of the key terms used are discussed and defined later in the book. The Creation platform is analogous to “Open-source software development platform”, but with differences. See Appendix III: Creation compared to Open-Source Software Platform.
[2] Ananda of Vedanta
[3] As much as the underlying hardware allows.
[4] Maya of Vedanta; A least understood concept by Hindu majority due to its complexity and vast reach.
[5] See Section 6: Quickening Evolution
[6] Creation is perceived as God’s Leela, in Hinduism, and “game” is one of the many meanings of the Leela.
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