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The following is a brief summary of Science and Technology’s success story of our times:
PL 1.    The physical sciences show us that the vast physical cosmos, as much as discovered, obeys the laws of Nature with an astonishing mathematical accuracy and order (e.g., earth, planets, solar system, billions of galaxies, diverse varieties of materials and infinitesimal sub-atomic particles).
PL 2.    Quantum Mechanics has given insights on several phenomena, incomprehensible to the ordinary mind, such as the matter is a form of energy (Einsteinian E=mc2), Light’s dual nature (wave & particle), nuclear atomic energies, infinite gravity (Black-holes), and sub-atomic particle mechanics where the observer-observed boundary blurs. 
PL 3.    The biological sciences with the help of computers show us that all of the discovered life-forms, from single cell organisms to the complex human body with cognitive functions, have DNA in common and also show that the life-forms are in a vastly interconnected web of interdependencies between them and also depend on the other parts of Nature (e.g., atmosphere, sunlight, minerals, etc.).  The biological mechanisms of the cell, in variety of species, have been studied in order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion that each cell is like a multi-functional chemical factory that operates cohesively in the larger context which is placed during its lifespan (i.e., largely self-contained, adaptive, and interactive based on the need).
PL 4.    Archeology and the biological sciences explain that the life-forms evolve following Darwin’s theory of Natural Evolution, based on archeological evidence. Darwin’s theory has been a de-facto basis for the scientific community that postulates evolution of life-forms from lower to higher (self-expansion) based on competitive selection and the survival of the fittest (self-preservation).

PL 5.    In Technology, with the help of “software programming”, human creativity has taken giant strides in the field of automation using Computers, Networking, and Communications. In a relatively short span of a couple of decades, Internet, Open-source software, Online Commerce, and Mobile communications transformed the world, notwithstanding the country boundaries. We are at a point where the “space” factor can be transcended in many aspects of our daily interactions that aids in several fields (e.g., remote work, remote video/audio, remote controls & locomotion, etc.). 


Despite the above-mentioned stellar advances in the field of Science and Technology, there is a general lack of scientific understanding in the areas that involve human behavior and the mind. The modern mind is equipped with several advanced skills in a variety of subjects, however, is not methodically taught how to determine right or wrong behavior on its own, which is essential for true learning. In addition, over the last century, the measures for success in the society are largely confined to the physical plane with observable, measurable, and verifiable factors, influenced mainly by Darwin’s theory of natural evolution. Moreover, the prevalent use of computers and advanced automation, in many areas of living, engenders a false confidence in an individual between their inner potential and outer success. These underlying factors not only limit the true learning but, unfortunately, lead to corruption in mind which is the main cause for several intriguing social problems evident throughout the globe, at various levels: personal, family, community, country, and international.


This book introduces a comprehensive theory, called “Theory of Consciousness Evolution (TCE)”, as an alternative to Darwin’s theory of Natural Evolution, with several concepts woven together including human evolution, within the larger social context. The core part of this book outlines a methodical approach to intuition development that is essential for determining right or wrong behavior, with the explanation of fundamental instincts, human mind’s aspects, balancing the mind, introspection, and more. Also included in it is the classification of modern innovations including machines, computers, automation, genetics, etc. and how they fit in the overall scheme of Creation. This holistic view provides valuable insights into the potential causes of the mind corruption and the measures one may take to prevent or control its effects.
A few points to note:
-       This theory is not based on faith or belief and can be accorded the same basis as given for Darwin’s theory.
-       As TCE involves subjective consciousness, the results may not lend itself for the objective measurements, but the emphasis is placed on the directional aspect of the results, using relative scale measurements with respect to the same subject. Similar results can be verified by different independent observers and the results can be corroborated to affirm the directional aspect.

-       Many concepts that are unfamiliar to the Scientific community are explained using analogies and patterns from the ideas that were implemented in the technological or social arena. 
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