MCCRF - A global volunteer network

“Ever Wondered” Questions

“Ever Wondered” Questions

These sample questions and many more of the similar kind occurs to us, now and then, when some event related to these take place. One may wonder if there are any underlying causes to these problems that make them surface over and over and if there are any solutions to these problems. In this book, while covering the overall context, we will also see some of the fundamental root causes for this kind of problems.
Note: Add “Ever Wondered” in the beginning when you read these questions:
EW 1.        Why evolution didn't solve hunger as food is there in nature?
EW 2.        Why vicious stuff more attractive than virtue?
EW 3.        Why do we need to give up sense pleasures for seeking God?
EW 4.        How open-source software became so successful, in a short span?
EW 5.        What rationale scientists have for sleep when they declare body as a "chemical system"?
EW 6.        How come all lifeforms have DNA when scientists quip random origin?
EW 7.        Why multi-billion dollar pharma industry struggle to find a cure for cancer, auto-immune diseases, etc.?
EW 8.        Why get an uneasy feel if a wrong is done in front of your eyes?
EW 9.        Why all-knowing saints don't solve world problems Hitler, Syria,...?
EW 10.    If there is a lasting purpose for human's little span (< 100 yrs)?
EW 11.    Why we forget dreadful diseases or even male or female in sleep?
EW 12.    Why human is miserable when he is made in all-blissful God's image?
EW 13.    Why all-virtuous God have to allow evil in the world?
EW 14.    Why so-called "life-saving" drugs end up draining life savings?
EW 15.    Why many "life-saving" drugs side-effects are more than intended?
EW 16.    Why don't we learn to meditate like walking, speaking, etc.?
EW 17.    Why we dream at all?
EW 18.    If "problem-solving" scientists are better than meditating saints?
EW 19.    If there is a bean-counter God judging all our actions and condemn us to hell for bad or promote us to heaven for good, upon our death? or we do as we please (happy-go-lucky) without getting caught by the human law? or there is any inherent justice system at all?
EW 20.    If there is any logic in how people get attracted or related?
EW 21.    How prayer works as every religion seems to have it?
EW 22.    Is there a positive in conflict/competition as even cells have it?
EW 23.    How a Self-realized one seems to know the nature of everything?
EW 24.    If there is a purpose in man-made family, community, country, etc.?
EW 25.    Is there a safety in creation to prevent annihilation by men (nukes, global warming, etc.)?
EW 26.    When the detachment of saints is admired, why is that suicide (“detaching” entirely from the body) is being condemned?
EW 27.    If the difference in attitude between men and women are cultural or more fundamental than that?
EW 28.    Why is that the more the diseases invade the body the more attachment grows with it?
EW 29.    How companies become so large? Is it by innovation? Or something else?
EW 30.    Why patents, royalty, etc. is given so much importance when any creative idea builds upon other prevailing ideas?
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