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Appendix I: Balancing Profile Examples

Read first:  TCE 18 for the Consciousness aspects, TCE 22 for Balance-affecting factors (BAF), and TCE 29 for Self-Analysis or Introspection.
A Balance Profile is a snapshot of the current state of one’s mind, expressed in terms of combined weights of the three BAFs (Scope of Ego, Darkness, and Attachment – See Figure 14) in each of the three outer aspects Thought-Power-Feeling or TPF score. See Figure 15 for examples and see Figure 16 & Figure 17 for two shown pictorially, following the visualization explained in TCE.  The numeric values are individually unique (indicated as “X is Unique Individual Multiplier” in Weightage Charts below) and are not intended for comparison from one to individual to another or universal reference.

Figure 14: Balance Affecting Factors (BAF) with 3 grades


Figure 15: Balancing Examples in 3 bands

The values are meant for easy comprehension of combined effect of the different grades in each BAF so that one can easily follow the imbalance pattern, i.e., in which aspect more weight (weakness) vs. less (strength). For example, T100 P50 F25 score readily reveals that it belongs to a “Feeling oriented person with weak Thought process”.

Figure 16: TPF Example in Top or Plan View

Figure 17: TPF Example in Front or Elevation View

The following 3 charts show 9 weights each, in total 27 weights, ranging from 1 to 1000x:

Figure 18: Weightage Chart - "Broad" Scope of Ego combinations

Figure 19: Weightage Chart - "Average" Scope of Ego combinations

Figure 20: Weightage Chart - "Narrow" Scope of Ego combinations

Appendix II: Target State

The Target State is not something that can be easily described let alone adequately, due to it ever-new and expansive nature. However, many who achieved it, try in their own expression. Here is one poem, called “Samadhi”, by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda that describes the target state of one with Cosmic Consciousness quite eloquently, in a modern vernacular.

  Vanished the veils of light and shade,
  Lifted every vapor of sorrow,
  Sailed away all dawns of fleeting joy,
  Gone the dim sensory mirage.
  Love, hate, health, disease, life, death,
  Perished these false shadows on the screen of duality.
  Waves of laughter, scyllas of sarcasm, melancholic whirlpools,
  Melting in the vast sea of bliss.
  The storm of maya stilled
  By magic wand of intuition deep.
  The universe, forgotten dream, subconsciously lurks,
  Ready to invade my newly-wakened memory divine.
  I live without the cosmic shadow,
  But it is not, bereft of me;
  As the sea exists without the waves,
  But they breathe not without the sea.
  Dreams, wakings, states of deep turia sleep,
  Present, past, future, no more for me,
  But ever-present, all-flowing I, I, everywhere.

  Planets, stars, stardust, earth,
  Volcanic bursts of doomsday cataclysms,
  Creation's molding furnace,
  Glaciers of silent x-rays, burning electron floods,
  Thoughts of all men, past, present, to come,
  Every blade of grass, myself, mankind,
  Each particle of universal dust,
  Anger, greed, good, bad, salvation, lust,
  I swallowed, transmuted all
  Into a vast ocean of blood of my own one Being!

  Smoldering joy, oft-puffed by meditation
  Blinding my tearful eyes,
  Burst into immortal flames of bliss,
  Consumed my tears, my frame, my all.
  Thou art I, I am Thou,
  Knowing, Knower, Known, as One!
  Tranquilled, unbroken thrill, eternally living, ever-new peace!
  Enjoyable beyond imagination of expectancy, samadhi bliss!

  Not an unconscious state
  Or mental chloroform without wilful return,
  Samadhi but extends my conscious realm
  Beyond limits of the mortal frame
  To farthest boundary of eternity
  Where I, the Cosmic Sea,
  Watch the little ego floating in Me.
  The sparrow, each grain of sand, fall not without My sight.
  All space floats like an iceberg in My mental sea.
  Colossal Container, I, of all things made.

  By deeper, longer, thirsty, guru-given meditation
  Comes this celestial samadhi.
  Mobile murmurs of atoms are heard,
  The dark earth, mountains, vales, lo! molten liquid!
  Flowing seas change into vapors of nebulae!
  Aum blows upon vapors, opening wondrously their veils,
  Oceans stand revealed, shining electrons,
  Till, at last sound of the cosmic drum,
  Vanish the grosser lights into eternal rays
  Of all-pervading bliss.
  From joy I came, for joy I live, in sacred joy I melt.
  Ocean of mind, I drink all creation's waves.

  Four veils of solid, liquid, vapor, light,
  Lift aright.
  Myself, in everything, enters the Great Myself.
  Gone forever, fitful, flickering shadows of mortal memory.
  Spotless is my mental sky, below, ahead, and high above.
  Eternity and I, one united ray.
  A tiny bubble of laughter, I
  Am become the Sea of Mirth Itself.

The above poem is quoted from a free online version of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda[1]. Few other minor variations of this poem are also available through other publications of the same author. A beautiful visualization of this poem with recitation by Swami Kriyananda is available on YouTube:

Appendix III: Creation compared to Open-Source Software Platform

As mentioned in the book, there is a close similarity in several aspects of the Creation’s design to the open-source software development platforms (e.g., Firefox, Android, Linux) through the internet. It has been gaining popularity and being adopted in a variety of uses, in the last decade. Besides computer professionals, the computer users and smartphone mobile users to some extent may be able to appreciate this comparison, which is meant to show how the patterns of human design tend to match with the Creation’s design.  The life-force based replication (or evolution), feeling and some sensory aspects are missing in the Computer platform.
Note: This Platform idea can be implemented in a video game format for several novel uses, besides being for fun: education, training in psychology, and simulation model for TCE. Contact me (see How to get in touch?) if anyone is interested.

[1] His name, in Sanskrit, means: “Achieve ‘Ultimate target’(Param) by ‘self-becoming’ (hansa) through ‘Yoga-meditation’ (Yoga) techniques to experience ‘Ever-new Bliss’ (Ananda)” – a 4-word synopsis of this book.
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